The Legends Journal of European History Studies

ISSN: 2718-0190

Publication Policy and Evaluation Process

Publication Policies

The Legends Journal of European History Studies is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes academic articles based on scientific research. It is published once a year.

- Each issue of the journal, which will be published once a year, in September, contains at least 5 and at most 10 articles.

- Articles written in German, French, English, Italian, Russian and Turkish languages ​​are published in the journal.

-The journal does not limit the history of Europe to centuries. For this reason, the articles submitted may include all subjects and periods within the scope of European history, from the Ancient Age to modern times.

- Manuscripts that are considered to be original, violate copyright and various ethical principles by the editorial board are not subject to the referee evaluation process and are rejected.

- The article should not have been published before or should not be in the evaluation process of another journal at the same time.

- Candidate articles are first reviewed by the editors for compliance with the spelling rules, and then directed to at least two referees. While the articles that both referees report positively are ready for publication, if both referees report negative, the article is rejected. If one of the referees is positive and the other is negative, the article is sent to a third referee. According to the report from the third referee, it is decided whether the article will be published or not.

- For the articles sent to the journal, no publication fee is requested from the authors and no royalties are paid.

- In order for the article sent to the journal to be evaluated impartially by the referees, the author or any name or institution information of the authors should not be included in the article.

- Articles published in the journal are open access and will remain as such.

- The article must be written in accordance with the specified spelling rules. Articles that do not comply with the spelling rules will not be evaluated.

- All responsibility for the content of the articles published in the journal belongs to the author.

- The referees examine whether there is plagiarism in the studies, and if it is detected, the referee process is frozen.

- All candidate articles must have a Turkish and English title, a Turkish Abstract of 100-250 words, and an English ABSTRACT. A sufficient number of (at least 3 and at most 5) keywords describing the article should be specified under the abstract. If the article is written in another language, Turkish and English translations of the title and abstract should also be given. Abstracts in Turkish and English should cover the purpose, method and outcome of the study.

- Under the title of the article, information such as the name of the author, his title, the institution he works for and the e-mail address where he can be reached should not be included. Since the articles can be seen by the system administrator, this information will be added by the editor when the referee process is completed.


Evaluation Process

Articles submitted to The Legends Journal of European History Studies go through a three-stage process: Preliminary Review, Scientific Evaluation and Preparation for Publication. These processes are planned and implemented by the Editors.

1- Preliminary Review Process

The Editors of The Legends Journal of European History Studies pre-examine the works submitted for evaluation. In this process, the articles sent to the journal are evaluated in three dimensions:

Figure Review
The content compliance of the article, the appropriateness of the originality report, the appropriateness of the ethics committee's permission, the transfer of copyright, the compliance of the article with the The Legends Journal of European History Studies Article Template, the appropriateness and timeliness of the citations are examined by The Legends Journal of European History Studies Pre-Control. The authors are informed with the preliminary review report.
Studies that do not comply with the journal's spelling rules and template are not evaluated and are returned to the author(s) within a maximum of 15 days for rearrangement. In this direction, the writing rules should be examined beforehand and a sample template file should be used so that the studies can be prepared in accordance with the writing rules of the journal.
Articles that are not found to be adequate (appropriate) as a result of the figure review may be rejected or corrections may be requested. For the candidate articles that are not sufficient in the figure review, if they are not rejected due to their scope, the authors can apply again.
Articles that are suitable in terms of spelling rules and format are subject to similarity control at the next stage. Similarity check is made in line with the originality report uploaded by the author. In our journal, the maximum similarity rate is accepted as 25%. After the Editorial Board makes its final decision about the study in the light of the similarity screening report of each study, it shares this report and decision with the author(s) when necessary. Errors in the report may be requested to be corrected by the author(s) or the work may be returned to the authors.

Language Review
Articles are reviewed by The Legends Journal of European History Studies Language Editors for academic writing in German, French, English, Italian, Russian and Turkish. When necessary, the language analysis result of the article is sent to the authors with the Language Analysis Report. Candidate articles that are not found satisfactory as a result of the language examination may be "Rejected" or "Correction" requested.
Editorial Pre-Evaluation Process
Articles with a similarity ratio to the publication and writing rules of the journal are taken into preliminary editorial evaluation. In this process, the introduction, method, findings and discussion parts of the articles are evaluated by the editorial team in terms of compliance with the scope and objectives of the journal, as well as research reporting processes. As a result of the preliminary evaluation, the articles that are not suitable in terms of the journal's publication and writing rules, as well as their scope, incorrect or not original, are rejected without being accepted for referee evaluation.
As a result of the preliminary examination;
• The similarity rate of the similarity scanning report is reviewed by the editor and its suitability is confirmed.
• It is checked whether the article is arranged according to the journal's writing guide.
• The appropriateness of the article to the scope and subject areas of the journal is evaluated.
• Appropriateness of citations and bibliographies is evaluated in the article proposal.
• It is evaluated whether the necessary files of the articles  are uploaded in a complete and correct format.

2- Referee Evaluation Process
Studies that pass the preliminary evaluation stage are forwarded to 2 referees who are experts in their fields to be determined by the editors according to the nature of the study. The referees inform the editorial board whether they can evaluate the study within 15 days at the latest after the article is sent to them. If the referee does not notify within the specified time, a new referee is appointed to the study. Appointed reviewers cannot share any documents or details about the article they have reviewed with anyone. Referees participating in The Legends Journal of European History Studies referee pool are deemed to have given a guarantee in this regard.
In The Legends Journal of European History Studies, "Blind Refereeing Method" is applied in the evaluation process. The Blind Review Method is essential for the objective review of scientific studies and is preferred by many scientific journals to ensure that scientific publications are produced of the highest quality. Referee opinions are the main determinant of the publication quality of The Legends Journal of European History Studies. All articles submitted to The Legends Journal of European History Studies and found satisfactory in the Preliminary Review are reviewed by double-blind peer-review method. Double-blind refereeing means hiding both the identities of the referees from the authors and the identities of the authors from the referees.
The time given to the referees for the referee evaluation process is 15 days. Referees can examine the corrections of a study and decide whether it is appropriate or request corrections multiple times if necessary. When corrections are requested by the referees, the authors make the corrections within 15 days at the latest and submit their work to the journal via the same system. The corrected work is re-evaluated by the referees who request changes or corrections when necessary. The publication of the studies is decided by the Editorial Board in line with the referee's opinions. In case of inconsistency in the opinions of the referees, the Editorial Board may send the study to a different referee if it deems necessary. In the article acceptance process, if the opinions of the two referees differ, a decision is made by taking the opinion of the editor or a third referee.
Referee Reports
Peer-reviews of the studies in general;
• Authenticity
• The problem and purpose of the candidate article
• Importance of the subject
• Compliance of the subject with the publication policy of the journal
• Contribution to the field
• Organization
• Method
• Contribution of findings to the field
• Argument
• Conclusion
• Consistent presentation of results
• The source link and the appropriateness of the citations in the text
• Resources
• It is based on examination in terms of compliance with ethical rules.
The referees evaluate the studies using the online "Referee Evaluation Form". In addition, if the referees deem it necessary, they can also send the notes on the full text stating their suggestions and opinions to the editor.
Referees can express their opinions in 4 ways regarding the studies:
• Publishable
• I don't want to see after corrections
• I want to see it again after corrections
• Cannot be published
Evaluation Result
Opinions from the referees are reviewed by the editor(s) within 15 days at the latest. As a result of this review, it conveys its final decision to the author(s).
Objecting to the Evaluation Result
The right to object to the evaluation results of the author(s) in The Legends Journal of European History Studies is reserved. The author(s) should send it to by e-mail within 15 days after the decision is communicated to them, with reference to the opinions and comments within the scope of the evaluation results. Objections made are reviewed by the editorial board within 1 month at the latest. A field expert referee is appointed regarding the objections made by the author(s). The work is first reviewed by the referee, then a final evaluation is made with the opinions of the other referees and the result is reported to the author(s).
3- Publishing Process
In the preparation process for publication, bibliography, citation control, typesetting and editing are done in accordance with the journal's template. For the detection of errors and omissions, the final reading of the articles is done by the editorial team and the articles are published in the relevant issue of the journal.


The Legends Journal of European History Studies
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